HAAL - Membership Application/Renewal Form

HAAL - Membership Application/Renewal Form

Membership is open to all those who are interested in Applied Linguistics.

Membership fee – HK$100 (full time student HK$50).

To apply, please fill out this form and

(a) deposit the appropriate amount to Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics bank account (HSBC 047-044151-001) and upload the deposit acknowledgment slip in the designated field, OR

(b) send a cheque payable to the “Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics” to the address below; state your Full Name, Telephone No. and Email as listed in this form, OR

(c) Pay using Paypal (as instructed below)

Contact Address |
Mable Chan (Dr)
Department of English
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon