Wonders Initiatives - Membership Application 星愉願景 - 會員申請

Wonders Initiatives - Membership Application 星愉願景 - 會員申請

If you share our mission, we are delighted to have you to be part of us. By becoming a member, you will enjoy the privilege and offers by us, and you will also be able to join various member-only events.

Annual Student Membership: HK$50
Annual Membership: HK$100
Three-year Discount Membership: HK$250
Life Membership: HK$1,000

To apply, please fill out this form and

(a) deposit the appropriate amount to Wonders Initiatives bank account and upload the deposit acknowledgment slip in the designated field, OR

(b) Pay using Paypal (as instructed below)

As to celebrate our 1-year anniversary, all membership application will be free until 30 Jun 2023.


年度學生會員:港幣 $50
年度會員:港幣 $100
三年折扣會員:港幣 $250
終身會員:港幣 $1,000


(a) 將相應金額存入 Wonders Initiatives 銀行帳戶,並在根據指示上傳存款收據,或

(b) 使用 PayPal 付款 (如下所述)



Your application will take usually 7 days for process and we will respond to you shortly once the process is completed.
