Censpot, incubated by the Hong Kong Government-Owned Hong Kong Science Park, is an IT Sourcing, Consultation and Capital Firm that provides technology solutions deployment, as well as development and consultation services for enterprises and personal clients. Our investment wing also invests in start-ups from seed to pre-series A round. Censpot is headquartered in Hong Kong, China; with representatives’ offices in France, Estonia and Saudi Arabia. We also provide various market localization services including logistics solutions, market consultations and cultural services that are able to cater to the various needs of our clients.

Since our establishment in 2014, we have already handled more than 100 projects in over 30 countries serving the needs of Government Organisations, Listed Companies and SMEs, with various local and international media including Economic Times, Bloomberg, Yahoo, Xinhua, and CCTV featuring our stories.

Censpot is a full member of The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce with Directors serving in various committees of the Chamber.