
In this day and age when technology is much emphasized, various enterprises are eager to deploy solutions to facilitate their workflows. At the same time, governments around the world are also facilitating startups and innovation cultures, encouraging young technical experts to develop solutions.

However, there often sees a mismatch between them, in which solutions provided by startups may not have such a demand; whereas established firms do not understand the culture of startups which causes failure in the deployment of solutions.

Censpot serves as a middle man under these circumstances. With our connections in over 100 countries, on one hand our engineers source and purchase solutions from startups and technology firms all around the world, providing advice and solution deployment services to our end-clients – including government organizations, listed companies, and even startups themselves; on the other hand we also develop our proprietary solutions to cater for our clients’ needs. We also invest and acquire potential Technology Unicorns and IT companies to strengthen our business acquaintances and connections.

Our solutions might be referred as follows;