25 NOV 2015 / Local Start-up Censpot Launches Asia’s First Seamless Learning Platform

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HONG KONG, Nov. 25, 2015 — Censpot Trading Corporation Limited, a Hong Kong Science Parks‘ incubatee, is proud to officially launch Asia’s first seamless learning platform Envision Pheromone today.

Despite rapid progression in technology in these decades, involvement of technology in the field of education is still uncommon. Ways of learning are still highly restricted whereas assessment still highly relies on labor’s works. In spite of such, Censpot proposes Envision Pheromone, the world’s first seamless multiple interactive learning platform aiming at solving the problems of traditional learning.

Based on the concepts of Mobile Seamless Learning, it allows students to learn and teachers to teach seamlessly through its interactive functions of open learning, live tutoring and automatic assessment. Everyone who is interested in sharing their knowledge can upload contents onto the site and everyone can learn. In schools’ contexts, teachers can also upload their desired content. Students’ learning and assessment, even for essays, could also be done automatically without teachers’ intervention. Their progress could also be tracked.

The concept of this product originated from one of the Directors of Censpot, Mr. Kelven Lit, who wishes to implement the popular sharing economy concept in education. “I read an article on Facebook saying that ‘the world’s largest taxi company has no vehicles, and the world’s largest accommodation provider owns no real estate’ and thought, why not create the world’s largest school which has no teacher? Why does learning still have to follow the traditional way?", added the 25-year-old young entrepreneur who graduated from The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) less than two years ago. In view of this market gap, Lit, together with his three other teammates, applied for the Hong Kong Science & Technology Park’s incubation program last year and officially became its incubatee in late February this year.

“We still have a long way to go", Mr. Marco CHENG, another founder added. “Technology is moving at a faster pace than everyone can expect. What we release today could be outdated tomorrow, so we will keep on moving to make it better. In the long run we plan to promote this system to remote areas in China so students can simply stay at home to learn, instead of travelling for a long distance to learn. This will be changing the ecosystem of education in China to a great extent."

Envision Pheromone has had its pilot run in China already and has featured in a number of exhibitions and competitions, grabbing the attention of schools, investors and media including state-owned Xinhua agency.

About Censpot

Censpot Trading Corporation Limited (Censpot) is a technology start-up supported by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park’s Corporation’s (HKSTP) incubation program focusing on the technology and education sectors.

Censpot aims at introducing technology to the education industry in which involvement of such is still uncommon. We see the difficulties of implementing technology in the education sector but we also see the value of it. Our management’s unique constituent of young programmers, landlord and senior FMCG management contribute to understanding the needs and minds of parents, while retaining creativity in our solutions as we are not confined by any stubborn experience.

Censpot aims at becoming a leading solution provider in education technology, creating a sustainable impact for the progress of society and for the betterment of human beings in the world.


Censpot Trading Corporation Limited
Mr. Kelven Ka-shing Lit, Director

Tel.: (852) 2809 2212
Fax.: (852) 2809 2706
Email: kslit@censpothk.com


香港2015年11月25日電 — 香港科技園網動科技創業培育計劃成員之一,明匯經貿有限公司,今天(25日)推出亞洲首個無縫虛擬學習平台 – 思蓓飛躍 EnVision Pheromone

過去幾十年間,雖然科技發展迅速,但在教育範疇的應用尚未普及,學習方式依舊受到地域限制,評估方式仍然需要教師的第一身指導。有見及此,明匯去年起研發思蓓飛躍。作為亞洲首個無縫虛擬學習平台,思蓓飛躍旨在讓公眾、學生和教師能通過網絡,何時何地皆能授課、學習,甚至自我評估學習水平及進度。作為一個開放平台,每個人都可以利用思蓓飛躍 EnVision Pheromone,分享他們知識,增強他們的能力。而教師亦可以上傳自己的教學內容讓學生學習,思蓓飛躍 EnVision Pheromone 內置的文章評核系統可以自動完成作業評核,教師的工作量從此遞減。

思蓓飛躍 EnVision Pheromone 的設計念頭源於明匯董事之一,列家誠先生。列先生於大學時期,已經著手構思如何在教育領域實現經濟共享的概念。「平凡的某天,我在Facebook上閱讀了一篇文章。該文敍述世界上最大的出租車公司 (Uber) 旗下原來沒有車輛,世界上最大的住宿供應商 (Airbnb) 也沒有房地產。那一刻,我在想,為什麼我不可以創建一個沒有老師,卻是全世界最大的學校呢?為什麼學習只能局限於傳統的方式?」這位25歲的年輕企業家去年從香港教育學院畢業一年後,便決定成立自己的企業,他聯同物流公司前主管鄭先生,以及其他三位教院的同學申請科技園培育計劃,並於2015年2月獲選成為培育公司之一。

「路還有很長。」另外一位創始人鄭先生補充道。「科技發展日新月異,今天發佈的產品明天可能已經過氣,亦因此我們才需要不斷進步,使之更好。長遠來說,我們計劃於中國偏遠地區推廣此系統,令到偏遠地區的學生可以留在家中學習,無需長途跋涉前往離家甚遠的地方上學,我們深信,此系統將大幅改變中國教育的生態。」思蓓飛躍 EnVision Pheromone 經已在內地不同省份學校完成測試,項目亦曾獲邀參與不同展覽和比賽,引起不同投資者和教育界人士,以至新華社、中國網絡電視台等媒體的注視。






明匯貿易有限公司 董事


Co-founder of Censpot Trading, Mr. Kelven KS LIT


Mobile version of Envision Pheromone allows learning to be taken place anytime at anywhere.


Envision Pheromone interface allows users to be familiar with it within a very short period of time.